When you visit


We are always happy to have visitors worship with us at Eden Chapel. Here are answers to some common questions visitors may have. If you need any more information, feel free to contact us.

What time do services start on Sunday? Our Sunday services begin at 9:30 AM with our worship service. After the service enjoy a cup of coffee and a snack during Fellowship Time from 10:30-11:00 AM and get to know new friends and neighbors. Sunday School classes follow at 11:00 AM. These classes offer an opportunity for people of all ages to learn about the Bible and how to live a life of faith.

What are the worship services like? We strive to be a warm, welcoming congregation. Music is an important part of our worship services, which feature a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary songs. There is also a time of prayer during services, as well as a scripture reading, a Bible-based sermon, and an opportunity for Holy Communion. The main level of the building is handicap accessible.

May I participate in Communion? All who wish to follow Jesus Christ are welcome to take communion at our church. You do not need to be a member of Eden Chapel or of the United Methodist Church.

How should I dress? People come dressed in a variety of clothing styles—everything from jeans and t-shirts to suits and dresses.

Are my children welcome in the service? Yes! We love having kids come to our church. Our worship services include the Children’s Moment, a special children’s message time. After the Children’s Moment, elementary age children can go to their own age-appropriate Children’s Church to learn Bible stories and participate in fun activities. We also have a nursery for infants and toddlers.


Find Us

Eden Chapel is located at the corner of Fairgrounds Rd. and 92nd St., just outside of Perkins and southeast of Stillwater, Enjoy the beautiful Oklahoma countryside on your way to visit!

9211 S. Fairgrounds Rd.,
Perkins, OK 74059
